Don't Know Your Exact Birth Time?
Your accurate birth information is the foundation for a helpful natal astrology reading. If you aren't sure of your birth time or want to double check the time you've been given, here are some options:
Some people (including me!) try all of these and can't get an exact time. I am happy to talk with you about how to do a reading without an exact time and chart rectification.
- If possible, ask your family about the exact time. Even when parents don't remember or can't tell you, an older sibling, grandparent, aunt or uncle, or friend of the family may.
- Check your birth certificate. It may be possible to request a certificate with birth time if the time is not on your copy of your birth certificate--I know how to do this in Pennsylvania and am happy to share, email me!
- Look for family papers and records including your baby book, childhood memorabilia, a birth announcement, hospital records, or a card that names your birth time. It's amazing how often this turns up an exact birth time!
- Contact the hospital, birth center, or midwife who attended your birth to see if they have records.
Some people (including me!) try all of these and can't get an exact time. I am happy to talk with you about how to do a reading without an exact time and chart rectification.